Monday, July 14, 2008

Hella Datery!!!

So one day this funny guy from Ohio told me and the X that he didn't want to go out with us because he didn't have a date which I understood. But I see nothing wrong with having a third wheel tag alone if you guys are just chilling and especially if you were invited. It has been plenty of times when I have tag alone with my girls and their guy, hey free drinks and food lets bring the whole crew!!( if its just some random dude).That's just how I see it now on the other hand if you and your date are going to out to have a romantic dinner then that's different no others others aloud. Some people have serious pride issues like they cant be the third wheel and who knows you might just meet a nice person and end up ditching the group. I like to laugh so if my date is boring I always will have a second options to conversed with!!LOL
Is three really a crowd???

1 comment:

Tonjania said...

I don't think 3 is a crowd at all. I have been the third wheel plenty of times and I have also had friends be the third wheel out with me. Sometimes you and your "special someone" spend so much time together that a 3rd person might bring a little more fun to you guy's date. It is also the ideal situation when you don't really know the guy that well and are unsure about him. Because a 3rd wheel could be a good icebreaker.